Providing opportunities to learn from experienced, highly regarding healthcare professionals about ways to improve patient safety, reduce waste and promote resiliency.
The Beginning
Standing guard over a beach in the Outer Banks, with its distinctive diamond pattern, sits the Cape Lookout lighthouse. Courageous Surfmen manned the lighthouse for years serving the coastline well and rescuing countless ships that ran aground on the treacherous sandbars. While many lives were saved, many too were lost, and it was on that very beach that the Coast Guard was born. These men were the “heroes of the surf” risking their lives to save others. We need to create “heroes of healthcare” and bring back that kind of courageous, compassionate care.
We gathered the shells above from that very beach to remind us of the need for life-saving, CareGuard “outposts,” throughout the healthcare system in medical schools, nursing schools, hospitals, clinics and societies. The three shells dotted with green paint also represent 3Greens, an electronic safety checklist platform created by Dr. Lloyd Hey, a spine surgeon. 3Greens is a healthcare safety tool that will create standard work and better patient outcomes – every patient, every procedure, every time.
Similar to the Coast Guard and lighthouses of the past, CareGuard will serve to
fearlessly protect patients and the caregivers that serve them.
Today’s healthcare is in crisis.
Errors are responsible for 100,000 avoidable deaths per year and healthcare professionals
are reporting alarming rates of burnout. There is an urgency to do something now.
CareGuard is positioned to help put the “care” back into Healthcare by training and equiping
professionals with the tools to move toward Zero Harm, Zero Waste and Zero Burnout.
Our Mission
To foster a culture of compassion for both the PATIENT and the CAREGIVER,
by improving quality, safety and resilience, through training, mentorship, and community.


Designed to help tomorrow’s healthcare workers develop clinical skills, improve care, and become better leaders through – coaching, guidance and inspiration.

Providing a forum to discuss thoughts and ideas with healthcare professionals committed to improving patient safety through – QI, systems engineering and checklists.
To promote QI, QC and QD (quality improvement, control and documentation)
in patient safety by quantifiably reducing preventable medical error.
Drive initiatives supporting caregiver resilience through training, education and collaboration.
Join the Movement

If you are a healthcare provider and you have a passion for patient safety, then join our movement TODAY!
Our membership includes every area of the healthcare industry from medical schools
and nursing schools to societies and medical equipment manufacturers.
Don't wait any longer, the time to do something is NOW.